"Just smile and say absolutely, it really catches them off guard, then walk away smiling"
That was a good one. Thanks
since i have been out i have bumped into witnesses at the supermarket where i work, as you do.
some have the balls to say "hi" and "hang in".
others have bigger kahunas and actually talk to me - this doesn't go unappreciated by me.
"Just smile and say absolutely, it really catches them off guard, then walk away smiling"
That was a good one. Thanks
i think without blowing your cover you could answer this thread if you are still one of the above.
i would like to know if an when i have a more frank discussion with an active jdub i can honestly state that i know of such ones that have these same doubts.. one.
I had dinner at my local Bethel once. Does that count?
i wish i could not think its so wrong when everyone i know and love thinks its so right.. i'm so mad... i wish i could run to my husband and tell him how angry i am.
tell him and my family that i don't ever want to go near a kh again.
Fade, fade, fade!!!
Why should you follow their rules and DA-yourself?
Actually, DA-ing yourself will keep you connected to their rules for your liftime... A good fader slips away
I quit in 1998.
Have been to some assemblys tho. For driving a friend or my mom, and a little for the fun.
The assemblys is more entertaining now when I have accurate knowledge from appostate litterature and the internett.
wow... didn't take her long.. the ex-wifey is getting remarried at the end of the month.
we were officially seperated on march 27th of '06... she didn't waste any time, although he's a j-dub... he's a good guy and i wish her the best... celebrate with me folks!
smile.... .
What is JP?
i was 16 and not a clue in the world what i was getting into..... how about you?
how old were you?.
Almost 21 and still stupid, but doubting. Didn't dear to wait any longer. The 1914-generation was just a few years away from 80.
What an amazing story. You are blessed.
i have not written one yet and have looked into the reasons if i should.
this applies to anyone who was batized in 1985 or later.
the society made changes to the questions at baptism that year.
Really?? Very interesting. Do you have any links to relevant stories in this forum?
i counted up the deaths/ new partakers over the 71years 1936 to 2007.. i assumed 70 as the average lifespan, which means we can reasonably expect a decline of 1.43% each year.. those dead: 14 707 new partakers: 52 312. .
average deaths each year: 207. average new partakers each year: 737.. this gives a combined total of memorial partakers between 1936 - 2007 of 66 839. according to the witchtower of 1988 15/12 there were 27 006 partakers in 1936. smell anything yet?.
1: where those dying (3 figures) exceeded new partakers (2 or single figure) 16 years out of 71.. 2: at no point did the number of deaths in a year exceed 561.. 3: lowest number of deaths 122 in 2003. lowest number of new partakers 3 in 1988.. 4: highest deaths 561 in 1938. highest number of new partakers 10 677 in 1937.
How do you figure out the number of deaths each year?
I din't get it.
However 66839 annointed i our time makes room for just 77161 annointed since the year 33 and up to our time. Not a lot.
i saw a finnish post.. i had a kind message from a norwigian.. iam from sweden !!!!!.
welcome scandinavian posts..
since the door has been reopenned again, do statistics show an increase of this generation, do new partakers still get a talk from the elders after the memorial now.
it was said that just as one knows their gender so annointed ones now they are annointed
My mother told my today that the book study conducor claimed that the Society believed the correct nomber og anointed today is about 300(!) The rest is fakers or nutcases. Anyone else heard that number?